Search Results
Hardware Product Development Engineer
Equus Holdings Inc. at City Of Industry, CAHARDWARE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER EQUUS HOLDINGS INC. CITY OF INDUSTRY, CA City of Industry, CA Equus seeks a Hardware Product Development Engineer for...
Quality Engineer
Confidential at Anaheim, CAQualitask is seeking a Quality Engineer in Anaheim, CA. Review critical features, inspection plans, inspect and evaluate parts for compliance, complete reports ...
Mechanical Engineer
Confidential at Anaheim, CAQualitask is seeking a Mechanical Engineer in Anaheim, CA. Review prints for mfg , create routings for prod, generate prod schedules, and ensure adherence to cu...
Senior Project Engineer
Confidential at Irvine, CASenior Project Engineer (ERM, Inc., Irvine, CA): Cndct air qlty anlys to idntfy, abate, or elim polltnt sourcs & hzrds. Reqs BS (or frgn eqv) in Chem Engg, Envi...
Sr Quality Engineer
Confidential at La Mirada, CAPublic Relations Specialist Duties: Responsible for promoting and creating a public image for the artists we represent. Assist in advising our clients on devel...
Sr Structural Engineer
Confidential at Los Angeles, CAStructural Engineer (Los Angeles, CA) Structural design of bldg. & structural systems. Engineering documentation. Design & technical analysis. Site observati...
Engineering Manager
Confidential at La, CACSS Payroll Co, L.P. (Los Angeles, CA) seeks Engineering Manager, Developer Platform. Reqs Master's in CompSci or Engg (Comp or Electricl) +3yrs exp in pos offr...
Confidential at Irvine, CAMarvell Semiconductor, Inc. in Irvine, CA seeks Sr. Staff Engineer, Analog IC Design (F028): Participate in designing CMOS transceiver/SERDES products. $142,000...
Engineering Manager
Confidential at La, CACSS Payroll Co, L.P. (Los Angeles, CA) seeks Compensation Partner to dsgn comp prgrm incl salary & incntve structres & pay polcy. Reqs MS in Statstcs, Bus Anlyt...
Confidential at Rsm, CAUPS Electrical Engineer (Rancho Santa Margarita, CA). Provide electrical engineering services for Maintenance and installation of Uninterruptible Power Supply (...
Confidential at Irvine, CASr. Software Engineer, Alteryx, Inc., Irvine, CA. Dsgns, devlps, tests, debugs & implmnts opertng sys componts, sftwr tools, & utilities. Req Bach's deg in Comp...
Confidential at Santa Fe Springs, CAUS Motor Works seeks Manufacturing Engineer in Santa Fe Springs, CA: Continuous improvement, production efficiencies, & scrap control; labor claims; R&D/techni...
Confidential at Irvine, CASr. Solutions Architect, Alteryx, Inc., Irvine, CA. Undrstnd cstmrs tchncl envrnmnts and reqrmnts and artclte prdct soltns and archtctrs that fit reqrmnts. Req....
Confidential at Irvine, CASenior Application Engineer, Alteryx, Inc., Irvine, CA. As prt of the Tech Spprt Team, wrk clsly wth dvlprs & exstng techl spprt staff to prvd high-qulty spprt ...